Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Stephanie Elizabeth Bushby

Stephanie Elizabeth Bushby's future is interesting on many levels. She goes to school for two years as she is trying to train for the winter Olympics for bobsledding after she places third she decides it is time to go back to school and finish up her degree. Stephanie has no problem when it comes to anything accept boyfriends. She gets them all but right when they start to fall in love with her she decides it is getting to serious and wants freedom and her life back again. By the time she graduates from whatever school she has two restiaing orders under her name and has to change her cell phone number daily. Besides her physco ex boyfriends and her greats skill in school. She is now lost on what she is supposed to do with her degree so she calls up her faithful friend Tiara Dusanjh who by this time has her own line of clothing for snowboarding. Tiara of coarse sets her up with a great job and she finally falls in love with a not so physco boyfriend.They travel together everywhere seeing concerts every night for a living and being content with her way of life. After 6 years of dating she decides she doesn’t want to stay in the relationship level anym0re and he agrees. They get married and have four children together, three girls and a boy. She dresses all the girls the same and the boy as a similar matching outfit they all have no choice but to eat cheerios in the morning before they go to school. She drives a mini van and is a great soccer mom a little pushy at times but she says she only is the way she is because she wants her kids to be successful.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Janey Don't You Lose You Heart

In the song "Janey Don't You Lose You Heart" by Bruce Springsteen.It makes me think more about friendship then some kind of love story or a connection that only siblings can make with eachother cuse no matter what family is there for one another.In the song "Janey Don't You Lose You Heart" when he says "I'll catch your tears I'll take your sorrow if you want me to Come tomorrow that's what I'll do". It makes me think of someone close to you struggling and how you would protect them and comfort them if you saw them in a struggle.

Friday, May 2, 2008

A Thousand Splendid Suns


"I’ve found my path and will never return.I’ve opened closed doors of ignorance"

As Laila,Mariam and Aziza leave the house they are in a panic and hope they will never have to return to this awful place they once called home.Laila had put much effort into the idea of running away she had sold her wedding ring and stole money from Rasheed."I’ve said farewell to all golden bracelets". This quote reminds me of Laila pawning of her wedding ring to receive more money to run away with.
The three girls finally get to the train station where they bag a man to buy them tickets he clams that he does but turns them in instead. Laila,Mariam and Aziza have to return to Rasheed where he beats them and kills Mariam in the end and Laila lives on with a since of quilt in her for the rest of her life for not trying to do more to stop the beating.
As they begin there journey .