Friday, May 2, 2008

A Thousand Splendid Suns

"I’ve found my path and will never return.I’ve opened closed doors of ignorance"

As Laila,Mariam and Aziza leave the house they are in a panic and hope they will never have to return to this awful place they once called home.Laila had put much effort into the idea of running away she had sold her wedding ring and stole money from Rasheed."I’ve said farewell to all golden bracelets". This quote reminds me of Laila pawning of her wedding ring to receive more money to run away with.
The three girls finally get to the train station where they bag a man to buy them tickets he clams that he does but turns them in instead. Laila,Mariam and Aziza have to return to Rasheed where he beats them and kills Mariam in the end and Laila lives on with a since of quilt in her for the rest of her life for not trying to do more to stop the beating.
As they begin there journey .

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